Here's some feedback on what people are saying about
"Peace on Both Sides of the Gate".
"One of the main ways my Spiritual Awakening was achieved was by me viewing many NDE'rs online. This documentary should be required school curriculum in every educational institution on the planet. Thank You to everyone involved in this project. A project that will be a great life changing tool to many, many people on our planet. Love and Light to all!"
-Alejandro Robles
"This is the best NDE documentary I have seen. I have seen so many NDE stories, I love them...so I can be trusted here. ( I saw the one on Netflix, with the great Mary Neal MD, that was watered down and not engaging . ) This was beautiful to look at with profound stories from the people in film, an hour long , which was perfect . Thanks James !"
-Trish Mullahey
"This is a documentary that must be shared to all you know. As a nurse in a rural ICU the woman I was caring for had a sudden cardiac arrest. I believe we tried for 30 minutes or more to resuscitate her. She was successfully revived but her NDE was the first expended by me and that was in the early 1990s. She explained that she hovered above her body while we did compressions. She told me of conversations we had while she was dead, verbatim. James please continue to bring the messages forward of the ‘all encompassing love and peace’ that they all have felt and death should not be feared but seen as a new beginning."
-Penny Holt
"This film is an amazing guideline to a more soulful more fulfilling life. It is a wonderful and highly professional production. It focuses not only in the actual NDE events but also on the teachings and genuine advices that the NDErs have for us all. It helped me look at life from a different perspective, I found peace and a warm and loving knowing that we are all loved and loving at the same time. The greatest thing I learned from this documentary is to forgive and the true reason for forgiveness is to protect the people that hurt us in this life from their future self judgment from their future self hurt that happens beyond the veil. We are all connected in One and we are all helping each other and loving each other even when we don’t really see/know it. One of the most important teachable films that was ever made.
-Alina Spiridon
“I just had the absolute pleasure of watching this most wonderful documentary and I wanted to thank you, it has given me hope and joy and you could not have picked 5 more perfect souls to give their experiences so beautifully. The entire world needs to see this. Again, thank you from Australia.”
-Kym Shergold
"This film is so touching and very well done. I needed to see it for countless reasons but two of the top ones are my parents. I lost my father suddenly in 2019. Now my mother is having physical, mental and emotional issues. It is heartbreaking and frustrating for me. This helped give me peace regarding both of them. I know many people who will also benefit from it and I will share it with them. Thank you!"
-Rebecca Regnery
"I lost my husband of almost 42 years suddenly on October 27, 2018. At the time, I had no belief in anything higher...no belief in anything after death...I thought dead was dead. I was bereft. I somehow stumbled upon a book with no religious overtones that suggested life continued after death. I "devoured" that book, and have not stopped reading books about the continuation of consciousness since then (currently reading book #103). I have also watched MANY videos, movies and documentaries on the subject. Your documentary, Peace on Both Sides of the Gate, is the best and most touching video I've seen. Thank you for this. I do hope you will film a sequel. This is important work."
-Robin Ebaugh
"I loved it, visually appealing, it clearly presented the subject. It was emotional for me, I cried a fair deal, because of it's beautiful message love. It came at the right time, I'll bring other's attention to it, as I feel the healing message will help many. Thank you so much for Sharing."
-Karen Dawson
"I believe one of the unique and desperately needed missions of our generation is to convey the next step in our spiritual journey by relaying the phenomenon of the Near-Death Experiencer. We are in urgent need of a way to connect and identify with that which is beyond our own understanding. This film does a fantastic job to convey individual accounts and experiences of very diverse lives, backgrounds and wounds. Each person has something to say to anyone who is watching. Believing this is part of the mission of an NDE to help others back here, we need good, honest and thoughtful ways to tell these stories. I was able to relate my life’s tribulations and wounds with those of Sharon, Peter, Jenifer, Chris and Brooke immediately and deeply. All of them gave me something to help in my life’s perspective. A very well done documentary that is personal in connection, practical in useful help and invaluable expanding perspective."
-Matt Cline
"A friend was just talking yesterday about not feeling unworthy. I recommended the documentary, Peace on Both Sides of the Gate, which beautifully tells the stories of 5 people who have had near-death experiences. We get to hear some of the details of these experiences. These people have been forever changed by this gift from the Divine which has stripped them all fear of death. Instead they are left with the knowledge that each of us is supremely and unconditionally loved, that there is no judgment and that we are so much more than these mortal bodies. Each of these people states that the main purpose of NDEs is to show this Divine Love and acceptance. They feel that their mission back on Earth is to spread that love... I've never had a near death experience but I have had profound spiritual experiences that have been amazing and life changing. Some people think that I am crazy and that's okay. I am touched by the respect and matter of factness with which James Bonato tells these human stories that some discount with story weaving, colorful cinematography and beautiful music."
-Renee Rogers
"I just watched the film and today was the perfect day for me to watch this, because today is the 1 year anniversary of my Mother's fall and hospitalization that ultimately took her life. This put me at great peace knowing that she was right all along about how much she was ready to die and had waited her whole life to go be with God!"
-Peggy Van Scoyk
“Filmmaker James Bonato has done an excellent job in producing a mosaic of stories of NDE experiencers. He captivates the viewer weaving the stories together in a genius way that you will want to watch to the end. He definitely should continue pursuing his passion with more films like this. Thanks for sharing it with mankind.”
-Doug Henson
"Absolutely loved the film…. I really got a lot out of the last part of the film (I first heard NDE stories 40+ years ago) because that’s where the real questions are asked and answers given… but it was all well done. Each person was touching and insightful. I personally identified a lot with Peter. I liked how each talked not only about unconditional love but also on forgiveness in this life. Those topics can seem to be different but they are intertwined… you can’t have one without the other. They demonstrated the more push back one gets the more they can overcome it. I also loved the part on what do you do for fun… where you don’t have fun as an escape from death, rather you can enjoy life fully without fear. Very genuine and meaningful."
-Dick Rabil
"Thank you! Saw you on Jeff’s podcast and watched your documentary. I had already heard all of their stories on YouTube but enjoyed the synopsis very much and shared it with my 3 daughters in their 30’s, and in a public FB post. Hope to hear more from you on transformative spiritual topics as I think they help so many people lose their fear of death and dying and therefore live the remainder of their lives fearlessly and focused on love and forgiveness. I, for one, listen to NDE’s almost daily before going to bed. Thank so much for your work ! It matters! We never die, we just change form and dimensions!"
-Sara Hawkins-Riley
"Wow James, you never cease to amaze me with the projects you take on, and your gift of bringing out the message and the meaning of the subject for the benefit of others. Up until now, I knew only a couple instances of people sharing these life enriching Near Death Experiences (NDEs). Watching this documentary was enlightening and impactful. I watched it once, but will need to watch again and possibly a 3rd time."
-Joe Smith
"I found this film to be VERY powerful. It brought me the peace and comfort I have been searching for in regards to my parents sudden passing's in 2020. I can only hope they both felt Gods overwhelming love and grace as they both transitioned. This film also helped ease my anxiety about death. As a dog lover the mention of the rainbow bridge brought a smile to my face. This film is well worth watching."
-Margie DeFino
“Near death experiences are highly dramatic--they are miraculous. I have talked with people who have gone through events similar to the ones recounted in the film, and the underlying message was similar: No need to fear death. They came back, because they had work to accomplish. Producer/Director/Editor James Bonato interweaves the stories by asking each of the story tellers the same questions, and then comparing their responses. It is unsurprising to learn that there is an ecumenical community of "NDE" members in the age of the Internet. Their message of love and acceptance is loud and clear in Bonato's film.”
-Sheila Crye
“Peace on Both Sides of the Gate gives us assurance of the love and peace that awaits us near death. These personal stories of near death experiences cannot be wrong and exude a common element- God’s love. As a nurse of 40 years, the film confirms what I’ve always believed. He is there.”
-Linda Goodwin
"I found the atmosphere of this film comfortably informal and down to earth, yet orderly and easy to follow. I thoroughly enjoyed the manner in which every one of these people were granted the time, space, and respect to articulate with clarity, their own personal near death experiences. The safeness of the environment allowed them to open up and share their joyful experiences of Love on the Other Side with passion and a strong sense of conviction that truly resonated with me. I'm very thankful to have watched this."
-Sharon Ritter
"This is a must-watch for skeptics and for those who embrace the belief in the other side of life. And in this life for which we all have a unique purpose. Every day people with experiences that brought them to a point of clarity, of knowing and that changed any doubts they had about why they are still here, the meaning of living about what happens next."
-Kim Murray
"This film is so wonderfully filmed, edited and so powerful. The meaningful messages in this film are life changing and so important. The quality of this film is superb."
-Katie Smeltz
"As in your previous films, it is expertly produced, compelling, and raises important questions. You obviously put a great deal of time, heart, and soul into this production, and the people you chose to tell their stories are very convincing and always interesting. I know that there are other explanations for NDEs, but you have provided one fascinating perspective. Please continue exploring and creating. You are really good at expressing yourself through film."
-Jayme Sokolow
“Thank you so very much for sharing this most beautiful film. I cried but they were not tears of sadness.”
“Mind blowing. I’m really touched by this. I’ve always been afraid of death. Not anymore after seeing this. Thank you for healing my deepest fear through this.”
“Our lives on this plane of existence are short and unpredictable. Knowing our loved ones who have passed on are in a beautiful place surrounded by love is so comforting. It is a wake up call to make the most of the time we have. I was very moved by this beautiful film. It reached the core of my being and gave me so much hope for what is to come after this life. I watched it over and over. I learned how we must make the most of the time we have here and love, love and love."
-May Mokbelpur
“It is fantastic. I've been reading and researching Near Death Experiences for some time now. Since the first book, released in the late 19th century by a Canadian psychiatrist, the subject has been debated at length. In my research in several books, articles and texts published on the subject, I observe that there are some fundamental characteristics in the reports, namely: The feeling and message of love that the experience provides. Infinite and unspeakable well-being, stillness and pleasure. The total exclusion of everything Western religions claim about the afterlife. The return with the mystical willingness to serve the cause of humanity with love. The documentary that we are watching now brings us again, with other people's reports, the same elements already known and mentioned in all works on the subject, which confirms a real probability of the facts and events reported by all those interviewed since 1890. Thanatology could explore these documented reports on video for use in its work activity with terminal patients and their families, bringing a message of hope, faith, peace and tranquility to all of them. I congratulate the production, direction and teams that worked hard to bring this documentary to fruition. I advise the producer to make subtitled translations of the testimonies into the languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian. In this way, more and more people from the western world will be able to come into contact with this documentary and learn a lot from it. I recommend it to all those who fear death, who are experiencing difficulties in their lives and everyone who needs support to continue living with love, faith and hope.”
-Mauro Gertner (Psychoanalyst and Specialist in Public Health From my friend Mauro Gertner in Brazil)
“I saw the full movie. It's a beautiful message of unconditional love, forgiveness and oneness with the source. Thank you for sharing this.”
-Neela Vadordra
“Thank you so much for doing this film. It is a positive and majestic ripple to help people enter the realization that death is not to fear and love is all there is.”
“Mr. Bonato, you did a great job with this film. I've heard the NDErs speak before, but this interview focused and homed in what is really important for all of us to hear.”
-John Niemann
“Loved this film, loved the people you've interviewed, loved the way you told their stories, saw your interview with Jeff Mara and came to see it, your enthusiasm on the interview is contagious, hope you do more films like this one.”
"Very affirming of my personal experience of God's infinite love and goodness. We are meant to experience heaven on earth, here and now. Beautiful stories and beautifully done!"
-Kathi Rabil
"The music in the background was light and easy and ( NOT Overpowering ). Many videos feel they have to have this loud music which because of the frequency of the music it quite often overpowers what the person is saying. Ps. I have a hearing disability in case you haven't figured that out. Also all the people in here spent the vast majority of the time speaking of there experience (which is what I want to hear) and no one was sitting there asking questions and leading the conversation, such as some videos."
-Garry Lawton
"I watched your documentary right after I saw you on Jeff Mara last evening as I am a regular fan of his podcasts. I loved your enthusiasm in your interview. You made a wonderful film with your craft. The format as you described how you formed it really worked well with this subject and would hold anyone's attention. I'm a fan of the subject and would have watched anyway even if it had been a boring linear interview. This format will hold people's attention who might otherwise click off after a few minutes. Kudos to you and your team! Like Alfred Hitchcock often did, you slipped in a cameo appearance at the end and that was cute. I recognized 3 of your 5 interviewees from other sources but was enthralled to hear their stories presented again by you in your style. I likewise have never had a near death experience myself but I have had lucid dreams and other experiences in meditation where God spoke to me over my lifetime (72 years old now) and found that I had to keep quiet about them as friends would ridicule me until I found a spiritual path and like minded souls to share with. In recent years I can see the wider acceptance of all things spiritual and supernatural and when I repeat my "unusual" experiences nowadays, I'm not met with such disdain anymore. So I do look forward to your next project.
- Jeffrey Vadheim, MD
“Thank you James ! Fantastic! I have watched many many NDE stories and Documentaries …yours is one of my most loved . Now I’m asking you …( like Oliver Twist …haha) More sir ! My daughter has passed… and I found The NDE community BEFORE SHE PASSED! It was like I intuitively knew that this was going to be a source of being able to cope and become strong and to become even more powerful through my experience ! I saw you on Jeff Mara and found your documentary … I believe all people will see this as the world is being enlightened! Thank you!”
-Colleen Colquhoun
"A wonderful documentary that highlights the commonalities of NDE, including the most important aspects of LOVE and humanity's true nature as fractals of God/the Light. I also love the diversity of the NDErs highlighted: from a Yale Graduate (Panagore), to a young man thrown in a dumpster as a baby, the near-death experience shows we are all one and loved unconditionally by God no matter our backgrounds."
-Nancy van Alphen
"We really enjoyed your movie. As always, it was an absolute work of art. It was very well presented. It also gives me peace and comfort knowing that we should not be afraid of dying. I had covid in November and I almost left this earth. I had faith in God but a part of me was very afraid and sad to be leaving my family and friends. I thank God for showing mercy to me and sparing my life. "To God Be All The Glory"
-Carol Kosh
"Peaceful, uplifting and heartfelt testimonials of very brave NDE'rs. Each account was enlightening and reassuring. We are allowed to journey with the experiencers and learn from them. Thanks for a wonderful documentary."
"I should tell you that I am Jennifer Dean’ father, and that what happened to Jen still affects me, even to this day! The part where she had her second episode, where she chokes on the carrot often flashed back in my mind when I don’t expect it! There are several things that happened during that timeframe that just seem to want to remind me of what happened! I still remember her face, when they did the Lumbar Puncture. That horrible pain as they inserted the needle into her back without any medication, because the weren’t sure about the status of her consciousness! This documentary hit me hard! At this writing, I am still holding back tears!
-Kevin Dean